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VEKTOR Autopilot (SKU: 1551)

This board is designed to support all the basic functions of the INAV and Ardupilot projects.

The six PWM output ports allow connection to essential propulsion configurations, such as steering (rudder) and propellers, with or without differential steering.

For the software capabilites please refer to the respective projects:

We do not provide free support for the above-mentioned software or their respective configuration tools.

It can operate in standalone mode with minimal configuration or can supply stabilized SBUS signals to our VEKTOR Core to enable complex propulsion schemes. The two boards are stackable and can be easily interconnected.

Physically it follows the width of the Raspberry Pi Zero and the length of the standard Raspberry Pi. The serial port on the 40pin header is also compatible with the Raspberry Pi pins.

The module is designed to operate without the need for soldering. The JST-GH connectors ensure vibration-resistant connections. However, all six PWM outputs are mirrored on the underside with corresponding solder pads, should the need arise.

The average cold-start time with Ardupilot is around 10 seconds.

CLIM module page

Technical specifications

SKU: 1551
Supply Voltage (Ub): 6-9V
Power consumption: Standby current approx. 200 mA
PWM outputs: 6 outputs
• PWM (500 - 2500 us)
Additional ports: • UART JST-GH 4pin
• UART JST-GH 4pin with RX hardware inverter
• GPS/i2c combo port JST-GH 6pin
• UART Raspberry Pi compatible header
• Power+UART HAT port 7pin
Buttons:• Boot button
Protection features:• EMI
• ESD up to 15kV
CPU: 168MHz ARM M4 (STM32F405)
IMU: BOSCH Sensortec BMI088
Memory: • 1MB SPI Flash
• MicroSD slot
Operating temperature range: 0 – 60° C
Maximal relative air humidity: Max. 85 %
Dimensions: 85.6 mm x 30.0 mm x 1.6mm
Raspberry Pi Zero hole layout
Regulatory: RoHS compliant



The Controller must be placed within a dry zone, properly fastened with screws to the vehicle hull.

An Arrow indicates the forward direction of the vehicle, the controller has to be placed accordingly. A misplacement will cause the IMU not to work properly.


We recommend mounting the board with rubber standoffs to minimize vibrations and enable the IMU to provide more accurate data.


The Controller works in a range from 6* V to 9 V. The idle current consumption is around 200mA.

A steady current flow is necessary to power up all systems and ensure a reliable operation. Please consider this while designing the electrical part of your USV.

The Controller can be powered via all PWM connectors, 7pin connector or optionally the power module port. The PWM ports and the 7pin port are electrically interconnected.

It is possible to power only the CPU and sensor part through the USB-C port. This feature serves testing and configuration purposes. In production use do not use the USB-C port to power the Controller.

All UART JST-GH ports are provided with stable 5V, combined they shouldn't draw more than 700mA.


*5V BECs are also supported but some older RX and GPS peripherals may not work correctly. Modern peripherals (2020+) should be compatible.

When supplying 5V, the GPS and RX port will output 4V5 (4.5V). 4V5 works with most peripherals, but not all, especially older ones like mentioned.