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Core/Autopilot comparison

The Autopilot and Core modules are complimentary products that can work togheter or standalone.

Standalone use

Autopilot module

Compatible with leading open-source autopilot systems and their configuration software, such as INAV, Ardupilot, and Mission Planner.

These systems enable the creation of waypoint-based missions, navigation planning, and the generation of controlled throttle and steering signals.

These commands can be forwarded for further processing by the Core module or directly connected to the available PWM ports.

Core module

Controls advanced configurations with Voith-Schneider propellers or other propulsion systems, such as water jets. It remaps simple input commands, such as throttle and steering, to complex actuator-driven controls.

Provides stability and positioning programs, including bearing control, roll stabilization, and crabbing maneuvers.

Features a customizable and programmable input/output function to accommodate even the most unconventional propulsion configurations.

Combined use

The Autopilot can be mounted on top of the Core module (HAT), transmitting data and current through the 7-pin header.

In this configuration, the Autopilot functions as the master module, providing MAVLink (GPS,AHRS,RX) or SBUS data to the Core module.

In combined use only one GPS module is necessary.

Comparison table

VEKTOR Core Product 1 ImageVEKTOR Autopilot Product 2 Image
Use cases
Complex propulsion and programmable functions control unitBasic stability and autopilot functions
Notable functions
Navigation assistants (Roll, Heading, Crabbing maneuver)Full waypoint navigation, mission planner
Advanced propulsion drivers (Voith-Schneider propeller, Z-drive, Water-jet)Stabilized steering/throttle control
Programmable input-output functionsAdvanced telemetry (with CRSF)
CustomINAV / Ardupilot
STM32 H7STM32 F4
- 6x PWM-IN / 12x PWM-OUT- 6x PWM-OUT
- MAVLink v2- MAVLink v2
- GPS/MAG port- GPS/MAG port
- AHRS port- 16 CH SBUS output
- 7 pin HAT interface- 7 pin HAT interface
- RS485 / CAN interfaces- MicroSD slot for log data