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Status LEDs

The VEKTOR Core (1504) is equipped with two LEDs, one red and one blue. These visually indicate the system's health and status.


The red led indicates the overall system health. If the RTOS (Real time operating system) runs well the led blinks every second (heart beat).

This heart beat can also be read from the register META_ACTIVITY which is either 0 or 1, according to the activity of the LED.

If any software error should occur the system watchdog timer usually restarts the system. Therefore the absence of blinking may indicates an issue within the flash memory or electrical problems.

Fault code

On startup, the EEPROM integrity is checked. If a fault is detected, the red LED will blink in bursts of three. The system will stop and not boot further.

Blue LED

The blue LED is user-configurable and can be assigned to various system events using the register META_BLUE_LED_MODE. The complete list of events is available in the register description. The LED will blink every time an event is triggered by the system or captured on an input port.