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Serialport: NMEA0183

Global positioning

The firmware is set to listen to the $GNGGA message incoming from the receiver, connected on UART1. Values incoming from this message are parsed and processed.

$GNGGA message

If the receiver does not transmit the $GNGGA message, the VEKTOR Core cannot determine its global position. For Ublox receivers, activating the $GNGGA message in U-Center can enable the transmission of this essential data for determining global position. This message format provides crucial information like time, latitude, longitude, fix quality, number of satellites, and other parameters necessary for accurate positioning and navigation.

The message format must be compliant with the standard, e.g:



These informations can be accessed in the following registers:

Register Description
RO_GNSS_SATLOCK1 if 3D fix succesful, else 0.
RO_GNSS_SATELLITESAs integer, the number of connected satellites.
RO_GNSS_LON_HCurrent longitude as float. High byte of the float.
RO_GNSS_LON_LCurrent longitude as float. Low byte of the float.
RO_GNSS_NSCurrent hemisphere, North or South. Returns 1 if North, 2 if South
RO_GNSS_LAT_HCurrent latitude as float. High byte of the float.
RO_GNSS_LAT_LCurrent latitude as float. Low byte of the float.
RO_GNSS_EWCurrent hemisphere, East or West. Returns 1 if East, 2 if West