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Ports: PWM Input

The VEKTOR Core has 6 PWM input ports, numbered from 1 to 6. These ports can be selectively assigned one of two working modes:

  1. PWM Input Mode: To capture signals from receivers.
  2. RPM Input Mode: To capture High-Low levels from Hall sensors and magnets.

As PWM Inputs

The INPUT_CHx_MODE registers set the operation mode of the PWM input port to either pulse width modulation with a 20ms duty cycle (common RC receiver output) or as an input for RPM sensors. Set to 1 for PWM In, and 2 for RPM In.

When set as PWM Input, the INPUT_CHx_VALUE register will contain a value between 1000 µs and 2000 µs, according to the physical input. As RPM Meters

As RPM Inputs

To get accurate readings, connect our Hall RPM meters to the port with the same polarity as the PWM wires.

When set as RPM meter, the INPUT_CHx_VALUE registers will contain the actual RPM count.

The RPM meters can detect rotations from 100 RPM up to 6000 RPM.