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Serialport: Telemetry


Extensive communication with the vehicle is possible via the Modbus protocol, this requires either a serial or network connection.

Serial connection

A wireless adapter is needed to pass serial data packets over the air, the most common used protocol is LoRa. We recommend the ELRS Airport function for shorter distances up to 1-2 KM.

We recommend a baud rate of 4800 for infrequent polling of registers and a minimum of 57000 for frequent polling of multiple registers.


A network adapter is required to convert RTU datagrams to Modbus TCP. You may use a Modbus gateway for this purpose; several commercial solutions are available, such as the one from Moxa. We also offer alternative firmware for the Raspberry Pi to serve the same role.

Once networked, the TCP packets can be relayed over any necessary system, such as 4G or Wi-Fi.