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The main purpose of a ring limiter is to protect Voith-Schneider Propellers and their servos/actuators. In addition to this the CLIM (C-Limiter, C like the programming language that’s used to power it) also integrates some useful extras:

  • Easy configuration with no software required
  • Precise VSP center adjustment
  • Custom ring radius adjustment
  • Mapping of the radio stick radius to the ring radius (allows a more precise control of the vessel)
  • Radio brand/function agnostic, get the full VSP experience with even the most basic Radio transmitter

Click here to visit the CLIM module page.

Click here to download the manual: English PDF

Technical specifications

Supply Voltage (Ub): 5-8V
Power consumption: Standby current approx. 20 mA
Proportional inputs: 4 inputs (X1-X4)
• PWM (1000 - 2000 us)
Servo outputs: 4 outputs (X12-X15)
• PWM (1000 - 2000 us)
Additional ports: BEC 5-8V power input (X0)
Protection features:• Short circuit protection over BEC
• Failsafe for proportional inputs (1500us)
CPU: 32Mhz Harvard architecture
Operating temperature range: 0 – 60° C
Maximal relative air humidity: Max. 85 %
Dimensions: 56 x 48 x 13 mm


The ring limiter works in a range from 5 V to 8 V. The idle current consumption is around 20mA.

The ring limiter can be powered via ports X1-X4, X12-X15 and the X0 port (BEC).

Usually, the current provided by an ESC should be sufficient. Passing the current through the receiver is at your own risk. There is a risk of current peaks burning out the receiver, especially older ones!

For the power supply, preferably use a 4-5A BEC, which is connected to port X0. The ring limiter has a dedicated 5V rail to handle those spikes.