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The integrated circuits of the module are sensitive to electrostatic charge. Therefore it is important that you don’t touch these components, before discharging yourself (e.g. through a grip onto a grounded device).


The CLIM is NOT suited for salty/corrosive environments unless properly protected. Salt water or air can cause erratic behaviour, malfunctions and short circuits. Please consider treating the CLIM with WET.PROTECT before use.


Under certain circumstances unfavorable placement and wiring of the module in the model may lead to restriction of transmitter range (mainly with 35-40 MHz transmitter).


At the first start-up nothing happens •Double check the wiring, it should be like shown in the supplement drawing. The wiring is suited for standard mode 2 transmitter with both return-to-center sticks. Other configurations may require more trial & test to properly configure them.
•Make sure the transmitter has no PWM range limitation active (e.g. Graupner). In order to work correctly, the limiter needs an input range from 1000us to 2000us
The limiter works normally but doesn’t move at all during calibrationDuring the calibration process the limiter needs an input range of 1000us to 2000us. Make sure to disable any limitations in the transmitter.
After calibrating the radius, the servos don’t moveIn order to successfully calibrate all channels, the receiver needs to output the full range of PWM signals from 1000us to 2000us. To return to a default state use the jumpers like illustrated on page 9
The servos are stuttering or have unpredictable behaviourThese issues are usually related with power, please check there is enough current available from the BEC, also check the voltage/battery status of the entire system. Servos can have peaks up to several Amps. Note that passing the main current rails through the receiver may not work, many receivers feature small copper traces that limit current draw. To ensure an optimal power draw connect a dedicated BEC directly to the X0 connector.

Beep code table

2 short at startup Startup successful
Long persistent Generic error, wrong polarity?
2 longVSP center calibration mode
3 longLimiter radius calibration mode
4 longReset successful