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Serial protocol

Protocol frame specifications

Serial protocol Explanation of frame/field separator bytes:

  • STX = (0x02) Hex (frame data telegram start)
  • ETX = (0x03) Hex (Frame data telegram end)
  • FDT = (0x3B) Hex (field separator semicolon)

Every message sent or received by the module must be enclosed between STX (start transmission) and ETX (end transmission) markers in order to avoid misinterpretation and maintain consistency.


rSoft resetThe module will reset its state
SRRead all input portsThe module will send all input values separated by semicolons (FDT)
SAxxxxWrite port X12The module set the port X12 pulse value to xxxx microseconds (µs)
SBxxxxWrite port X13The module set the port X13 pulse value to xxxx microseconds (µs)
SCxxxxWrite port X14The module set the port X14 pulse value to xxxx microseconds (µs)
SDxxxxWrite port X15The module set the port X15 pulse value to xxxx microseconds (µs)

Reading inputs

Jumper X10 not set

When the jumper X10 is not set, the input values have to be read manually by requesting them through a serial command.

Example: (get all input values)

[STX] [S] [R] [ETX]

the module will return a message similiar to this: (blanks are added for clarity)

0x02 1500;1500;1500;1500;1500; 0x03

being semicolon separated PWM values respective of X1, X2 ,X3 ,X4 ,X5.

The possible input values range from 700µs to 2300µs.

Jumper X10 is set

In case the X10 is set, the module will send the message above with a frequency of 50Hz

Writing to outputs

Example: (Output PWM 1500µs to Servo 'A' / port X12)

[STX] [S] [A] 1500 [ETX]

here as an ASCII string: (blanks are added for clarity)

0x02 SA1500 0x03

The same example in C (simplified)

char PropTxUartBuffer[8];
PropTxUartBuffer[0] = 0x02; // STX
PropTxUartBuffer[1] = ’S’;
PropTxUartBuffer[2] = ’A’;
PropTxUartBuffer[3] = ’1’;
PropTxUartBuffer[4] = ’5’;
PropTxUartBuffer[5] = ’0’;
PropTxUartBuffer[6] = ’0’;
PropTxUartBuffer[7] = 0x03; //ETX
Serial.print(PropTxUartBuffer); //this heavily depends on the serial port implementation

The possible output values range from 700µs to 2300µs. Everything below or over those is capped by the module to the nearest admitted value e.g 2310 becomes 2300.

Useful Arduino examples about STX/ETX framing here, here