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MCU board development

From Design to Deployment

Our guiding principles

Rather than developing boards for one-off specific applications our goal is to create future-proof and multi-use hardware.

  • Conservative yet welcoming approach: Embedded systems should focus on reliably executing a few critical tasks, therefore we avoid implementing every last trend into our systems. These system can exchange pre-processed or ML data while connected with other applications but should never stop doing what they are meant for even when disconnected from everything else.
  • Preference for open standards: Especially when it comes to communication we don't want reinvent the wheel. Standard connectors and protocols are what we rely on.
Raw PCBs
Raw PCBs before final assembly
Raw PCBs
Raw PCBs before final assembly
  • Case study
    We analyze the project and your requirements. Based on that we choose the right hardware and software architecture.
  • PCB Design
    From the prototype to the production model, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance.
  • Firmware Development
    We offer expert firmware development services to maximize the potential of your embedded systems, enabling smooth communication and precise control.
  • Testing
    Several testing procedures are made for both the hardware and software. Real world data are gathered and processed to ensure that the system is compliant with all requirements.
  • Pre-production Manufacturing
    Togheter with testing results improvements on both hardware and software are made. This process is iterative and often repeated multiple times until the pre-production product is ready.
  • Production Manufacturing
    Cost and performance optimalization is done on the latest pre-production model. Large quantity manufacturing strategies are applied.